When you purchase flowers and/or plants from fellow growers, you use the Grower-Grower Scheme (GGS).
How does it work?
The grower performing the sale places the supply on Floriday. You can purchase this supply as the purchasing party, and then sell it as a grower again. Financial settlement occurs through Royal FloraHolland.
On this page, we explain the following sections:
Selling through Floriday
As a supplying party, you require a grower account on Floriday. You can create this at floriday.io/aanmelden. When doing so, select the option to register as a grower and set up the account in order to be able to sell using the following steps.
Log in as a grower and go to Settings. Complete the account with company information under the Account and Organisation tab, and manage your Florecom email address under the System tab.
In the menu, go to Catalogue and set it up with products and base items.
Set your delivery conditions.
Create price groups.
Create supply through Batch Prices (flowers) or Catalogue Prices (plants) This allows you to sell the trade items you’ve purchased from a fellow grower.
Purchasing through Floriday
As a purchasing party, you require a buyer account in Floriday. You can create this at floriday.io/aanmelden. When doing to, select the option to register as a grower and set up the account in order to be able to sell using the following steps.
Log in as a buyer and go to Settings. Complete the account with company information and manage your Florecom/EKT email address under the System tab.
In the menu, go Network and manage the connections. You can search for growers and make connections here. After making a connection, the grower will be notified of this. The grower will place you as a buyer in a price group.
The fellow grower has offered the products through Floriday. In the menu, go to Direct Purchasing and search for the grower. Place the desired trade items in the shopping cart and then order them.
Go to this page if you’d like more information or wish to register for the GGS.