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Price groups 2.0

In this article we explain more about the feature Price Groups.

Laura Nowee avatar
Written by Laura Nowee
Updated over a week ago

If you’re currently spending lots of time filling in weekly lists for customers, and keeping them up to date,you can quickly create your price groups in Floriday.With price groups, you no longer have to fill in the weekly lists individually for each buyer, but can divide the buyers into handy groups.

The following component is explained on this page:

How do you create a price group?

  • Go to the menu on the left and click Supply > Direct sales > Price groups.

  • Create a new price group by clicking on ‘Add price group’. Give the price group a name.

You can change the order of the price groups by dragging in the overview. This sequence is then reflected in List Prices and Lot Prices. In this way you can also choose to first show a calculated price group, followed by a manual price group.

Under ‘set price’, you can choose between entering prices manually and calculating prices. A manual price group entails entering prices by hand. Calculating prices means the prices are calculated using a basic price together with a formula that you create. You can use whichever option is most convenient for you.

Indicate whether the prices in this price group are 'general' or 'customer-specific'. General means that the prices are visible to everyone, while customer-specific means that only customers of your choice can see the prices.

Adding customers to 1 group

You can now create groups of customers by tagging them. Then you can easily reuse this group of customers by saving these selected organizations as a tag in different parts in Floriday. This is possible in all places where you can select multiple customers.

Please note: The general price group is currently only available for direct purchasing on Floriday.

  • Indicate whether delivery and transport are included in the price, or whether the costs for transport will be passed on to the buyer.

  • Here you can select that the products will be stickered for the specified price.

  • You can also indicate the minimum purchase unit of your products. If you sell your flowers or plants per packaging unit, per layer, or per full trolley,you can record this in the price group.

  • Using a calculated price group: If you choose to calculate the price, you must set a number of factors: a discount or surcharge according to a standard amount or (decimal) percentage, settlement fees calculated on a load carrier, layer or packaging unit (optional), and whether prices are to be rounded off.

  • Using a customer-specific price group: Add the right customers. Click on 'Change customers' and add the correct buyers by looking them up by clicking on the plus sign. Once you have selected the correct customers, click on ‘Confirm’.

  • Save your price group.

Edit price group, it is possible to move a customer from one price group to another price group. Click open the price group and go to 'target group'. Find the customer you want to move and click on the 3 dots on the right. Then select 'Move to'. This is where you can select the relevant price group, to which the customer goes.

You have now created one price group. You can create multiple price groups to classify your buyers. You then use these price groups to set your prices at catalogue prices for plant growers and batch prices for flower growers.


Where can I assign graduated price scales?

In the existing system, it is normal to specify prices per minimum order amount and delivery location. For example: delivered in Aalsmeer; €3.20 each when purchasing a trolley, but €3.40 each if the customer only orders one layer. In practice, this price differentiation is primarily intended to include transport costs in the unit price, so that the grower is not burdened with high transport costs for small orders.

Managing prices in this way is time consuming and it does not form a comprehensive solution. After all, if a customer orders five layers of different products from one grower, under this system, he will be required to pay the higher price per layer five times. In this case, the grower may have been willing to charge the trolley price, as he would still be selling a full trolley in one delivery.

The source of this problem is that customers are used to working with all-in prices, i.e. prices that include transport. Floriday’s price group function offers tools to easily calculate prices, as growers often know how their customers order.

Now, growers can create their own groups to calculate prices. As such, instead of issuing a graduated price scale per product for each delivery location, they can provide a single basic price (see question 2) with a transport provision on top of it, which ensures that the transport costs are included in the price.

What is the basic price and what should I enter here?

The basic price is the price that customers would pay if they were to pick up the goods themselves. This is also known as the auctioning on location price. Growers are no longer used to filling this in the weekly list prices include transport costs. However, it does have its advantages if it is used in combination with the settlement costs.

What are settlement costs?

When you create a ‘calculated’ price group, you will see two fields: settlement costs, and the number of units these costs must be spread over. In short, the settlement costs show how much it costs the customers in this group to have a trolley/pallet delivered. It is therefore handy to combine customers from the same area into a group, as their transport costs are all the same.

In addition to the transport costs per trolley, you can state how the costs are to be divided. When choosing between trolley, layer and packaging, it is important to understand that your choice is best based on how the customers in the group order.

Here’s an example: Imagine that you are a grower in Westland and it costs you €20.00 to transport a trolley to Aalsmeer. In this case, it could be handy to create a price group containing customers in Aalsmeer that always order full trolleys. This will ensure that these customers receive a unit price in which the €20.00 trolley transport fee is divided across a full trolley (this amount is calculated using the product’s standard load).

The details of this example can be seen in step 2 of creating a price group. Should you be able to load 100 units of a certain product on a trolley, this means that a surcharge of €20.00/100 = €0.20 per product is added to the price.

You could also make a price group for customers in Aalsmeer who often only order a layer. For instance, if you can fit 25 plants on each layer, that means that the price per product would be increased by €0.80. By increasing the price in this way, the transport costs are covered by the unit price.

Later, there will be tools to measure customers’ ordering behavior, so that you will know whether your estimation is correct and you can fine-tune it.

A more logical situation would be that the delivery costs are separate from the agreed price and are calculated over the final order amount. Currently, this isn’t easy for customers to implement in their webshops, which is why they are still working with prices including transport costs. Eventually, when the industry is ready, we will begin using auctioning on location prices within Floriday, together with any individual delivery costs.

How do I combine my customers into price groups?

It is handy to arrange customers according to:

  • Area (or according to the price of delivering a trolley)

  • Order behavior (full trolleys, layers, individual trays/packaging)

  • Loyalty

It is also possible to calculate a standard discount or surcharge, in addition to a transport provision. As such, you can always give a discount to your best customers, who always place large orders. It is also possible to round prices off to multiples of €0.05 or €0.10.

What if I think this is all too complicated?

Don’t worry! It is complicated. Should you not want to use auctioning on location prices and transport provisions, you can also create price groups manually. Doing so will allow you to group customers and save yourself time (in comparison to making weekly lists per customer in FX), while still retaining the option to deploy your own calculations.

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