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Pending orders

What if orders do not meet the quantity or lead time criteria? Then you can accept these manually.

Laura Nowee avatar
Written by Laura Nowee
Updated over a week ago

The sales orders list has an icon for 'Pending orders until next working day'. These order do not currently meet the minimum delivery quantity or lead time criteria as set out in the terms and conditions of supply, but can be accepted manually.

Minimum delivery quantity

At Floriday, we have minimum delivery quantities. In the terms and conditions of supply, you set the minimum quantity a customer must order for an order to be accepted. This is validated in the Store, Explorer and via the API.

So make sure the correct quantity is entered here. For each location, you can set whether the delivery quantity should be x number of piece, package, layer or load carriers.

You can also enter customer-specific delivery conditions. This allows you to set different terms and conditions of supply for specific customers or groups of customers.

Order pending based on minimum delivery quantity

What if the order does not meet the minimum delivery quantity? Then it will appear in the 'Orders pending' list. When you click on this, you can see how much the buyer still needs to order to reach the minimum order quantity. You can also see here how much time is left. You can let the order request be cancelled automatically due to the quantity being too low, or approve the order request manually.

Delivery times

Buyers may order outside the delivery times via the purchasing dashboard, the VMP link or the API link. In doing so, buyers are deviating from the delivery times as entered by the grower. Regardless of the order quantity, you have to accept the order manually in order for it to go through. These order requests can be accepted right up to the delivery lead time.

Tip: Depending on the orders, you can discuss things with the buyer either to create customer-specific lead time for that buyer, or have the buyer pick up or take delivery within the normal lead times.

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