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All CollectionsDevelopments2024
Latest developments August 2024
Latest developments August 2024

Floriday is constantly evolving. Discover the latest functionalities and releases for August 2024 in this article.

Sofie de Zeeuw avatar
Written by Sofie de Zeeuw
Updated over a week ago

Range of article recommendations

In the timeline, the reach of your post is now also shown in article recommendations. Here it says, for example.

Organisation-based settings

All organisation-based settings are now merged into the Organisation tab in Settings. So here you can now also find your colleagues and financial settlement.

Creation date in commercial batch log

The batch creation date is now shown in the first line of the commercial batch log.

Set prices for manual price group

For catalogue prices, you can now easily enter the prices for a manual price group via the multi-select. You do this by selecting the articles and at the bottom of the green bar for Quick actions and then Set manual group prices setting. Here you can choose a fixed price, relative price or a price calculated from the base price.

Open delivery group on mobile

It is now also possible to open a delivery group on mobile in the sales order overview.

Planning overview for call-off orders

The planning overview for call-off orders has been improved. In this overview, you can see per item how much is planned from your contracts for the chosen period. You can also see how much you have already called for and how much you still have in stock if you work with batches. The new article groups are also shown here and some extra filters have been added.

Preferred carrier when creating a call-off order

The preferred carrier is now also filled in automatically when creating a call-off order. This carrier must be set in Settings > Preferences.

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