Transport costs

Calculate the transport costs based on the total of delivery orders and fulfillment costs depending on the size of the order.

Laura Nowee avatar
Written by Laura Nowee
Updated over a week ago

You can determine the price in various ways in Floriday. There are essentially three options.

Option 1: You can calculate a ‘From the nursery’ price. In this case, it is not necessary to calculate additional costs such as transport costs.

Option 2: You can also calculate a fixed price. This is particularly desirable if the customer uses the prices for their own webshop.

Option 3: Finally, as a grower, you have the option to set prices that take transport costs into account. In that case, the transport costs are divided over all delivery orders of the same delivery moment and the same location and optional fulfillment costs are charged. It is possible to waive these fulfillment costs above a certain amount. In this article, we explain how you can make use of these transport costs.

This price calculation method works via My Shop. So the calculated prices can only be set for this group. To determine which way of price calculation you can do for which group, you can find out the way of ordering via Floriday. When a purple Floriday logo is visible in the sales order overview, the buyer orders via My Shop.

To work with transport costs, the following steps are required:

Set up price groups

By setting up a price group, you determine the group to which this method of calculating transport costs applies.

Go to the menu on the left and click Supply > Direct Sales > Price Groups.

Create a new price group by clicking on ‘Add price group’.

Give the price group a name.

Tip: In order to recognise which price group this concerns it is helpful to give it a descriptive name.

Under ‘calculated pricing’, you can choose between entering prices manually and calculating prices. A manual price group entails entering prices by hand. Calculating prices means that the prices are calculated using a basic price together with a formula created by you. Choose the option that is most convenient for you.

When deciding whether the prices in this price group are 'general' or 'customer-specific', in the case of transport costs you select customer-specific. That way, this price calculation is only shown to these buyers.

In the next step, you can indicate whether delivery and transport are included in the price, or whether the costs for transport are charged to the buyer. To set transport costs, choose 'prices excluding delivery and transport'. This way, these costs can be added to the delivery conditions based on the order size.

You also indicate the minimum purchase unit of your products. This is the minimum purchase unit of this specific product. You set the minimum delivery amount in the delivery conditions. The buyer may therefore only need to purchase 1 packaging unit per product, but there’s a minimum order of one layer. The delivery conditions are considered below.

In the case of a calculated price group: If you choose to calculate the price, you have to set a number of factors: a discount or surcharge according to a standard amount or percentage, order fulfillment charge calculated per load carrier, layer or packaging (optional), and whether prices are rounded off.

This is how the price for this customer group is calculated if the calculated price group is opted for. In this case, the fulfillment costs are a fixed surcharge to calculate an all-in price. If you want to use transport costs, you set the delivery costs in the delivery conditions.

Add the relevant customers. Click on 'Edit organizations'.

Add the relevant customers by looking them up and clicking the plus sign. Once you have selected the relevant customers, click on 'Confirm'.

Save your price group.

Set up Delivery conditions

After setting up the price group, continue to create the delivery conditions.

Go to the menu on the left and click on Supply > Direct Sales > Delivery conditions and click on Add.

Give the conditions a name. It is also useful to give the delivery conditions an easily recognisable name. Under Type, choose whether you want the conditions to apply to all customers or whether you want to make them customer-specific. Then select on the right to which stock location the delivery conditions apply.

If you have selected Customer-specific conditions, the Customers field becomes available. Click here to add customers to your delivery conditions, which you have also added to the relevant price group.

Click on + Change organizations on the right to add customers to your delivery conditions. The delivery conditions that you then set only apply to the customers you have added to these conditions.

Then click Delivery > Add Delivery Locations.

For type of delivery, select 'delivery will be brought to a logistics hub' and select the location to which this applies.

You can then set the transport costs and delivery costs.

The transport costs that you set here only apply to supply without all-in prices, which is why we have chosen 'Prices excluding delivery and transport' in the price group. The transport costs that you set here are divided over all delivery orders that are delivered on that day at that specific location.

The minimum delivery quantity determines the minimum order size.

You can then set delivery costs per delivery and enter an amount upon which these costs are waived.

Under Order Days on the right-hand side, choose whether you want to set up your own terms and conditions or use the most common delivery day set. Modify the order days if required. Then specify the time for which orders can be placed and on which day and time delivery will be made.

Click Save at the top right to save your delivery locations and order and delivery times. Click Save again to save your Delivery conditions.

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