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Colleagues and use

Here you can read how to invite colleagues to Floriday, and how to grant them rights

Justin Steenbergen avatar
Written by Justin Steenbergen
Updated over 5 months ago

You and your entire company can work in Floriday. A user in Floriday who is Administrator (main user), can invite other colleagues and grant rights.

In this article, we explain how to invite new colleagues to Floriday and how to grant specific rights to colleagues.

The following steps are discussed on this page:

Inviting colleagues

Click in the upper right corner on the three dots behind your username and choose Settings. Choose next for Organization.

Now click in Organization on the left side on Colleagues and use. Here you can see the current overview of colleagues who are active in your Floriday account. Bear in mind that only an Administrator can invite other colleagues and grant rights and set up a 2-Factor authentication (2FA). You can recognise the mainuser by the label Administrator in green.

If no Administrator is available, please contact the Floriday support team. They can that one of the colleagues present becomes the Administrator.

If on top, you have the button Invita a colleague available, you are an Administrator (main user) and you can invite colleagues.

Click on this button and then enter the email address and name of your colleague.
After this, you can grant certain rights to this colleague. Use the button Manage Permissions to set up rights or Choose Apply all permissions on the left side:

Do you want to set up extended security with logging in, choose to mark Require 2-factor authentication. The user will then, in addition to their username and password, have to perform an additional check with, for example, the Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator app. If you want to set this up for an existing colleague, you can do this via the three dots behind the name.

When finished filling in all the required information, click on Send invite.

An email will then be sent to the email address entered. This contains a link with which the new colleague can activate their user account in Floriday and choose a password.

Inviting to multiple organizations

If you work with multiple supply numbers, you can easily switch between them in Floriday. In the Colleagues & Use screen, you can also invite your colleagues to these organizations, so that they can do this too.

You do this as the Administrator by clicking on the right of a colleague followed by Invite to organizations. Here you will see an overview of the companies to which your username is linked. Check the companies to which you also want to invite the colleague in question and then click on Invite a colleague.

2-Factor Authentication (2FA)

As described above, you can set up 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) for users within Floriday. This provides an extra layer of security when logging in.

After logging in with the username and password, an extra code is requested. This is generated by Authenticator apps from Google and Microsoft, among others. You can download these for free on Android and iPhones.

As an Administrator, you can make this mandatory when inviting colleagues, but also afterwards via Settings > Organization tab > Colleagues & use. Then click on the 3 dots behind the user, followed by Require 2-Factor Authentication. As soon as this user logs in again, he will be asked to set up 2FA.

Granting permissions

Once you have invited colleagues, you can set rights as Administrator. This means that you can decide which colleague is allowed to work in which Floriday component.

You do this on the screen Colleagues and Use. Click on the three dots to the right of the colleague and then on Permissions.

On the next page you can check or uncheck where the colleague is allowed to work in Floriday. To do so, simply click on one of the components and check or uncheck the box. You do not have to save the changes, these are saved automatically.

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