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In this article we explain more about the feature novelties.

Justin Steenbergen avatar
Written by Justin Steenbergen
Updated over a week ago

Floriday allows you to add your new products. After adding new products, they are highlighted on a special page for 10 weeks. This page shows your customers your new products, allowing them to directly click on the item to place an order. Click here to view the new products page.

How does it work?

  1. Go to Network > Marketing

  2. Click the following tab at the top: New Products

  3. Click on the ‘Create new product’ button

You will now enter a new screen. Choose here the VBN-code of the article and click on Next step.

Add a photo, choose a detail photo, presentation photo or clock photo and don't forget to add a description. With a correct and complete description, you can convince the buyer to buy your novelty and you can properly explain why this product is so special. Select a period for the novelty and then click on Save to submit your novelty directly.

Your novelty has now been added and is being checked by Royal FloraHolland. Novelties need a start and end date; you can indicate this when submitting a novelty. After approval of the novelty, the product will be shown to buyers and will be visible in the coming period. In the novelty section, under status, you can find whether the novelty has already been approved, rejected or the request has been submitted.

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