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Promos and exceptions

This function allows you to offer an item to one or more buyers for a period of time at a different price and in a different quantity.

Lisa Janssen avatar
Written by Lisa Janssen
Updated over a week ago

With the promo function, you can offer an item to one or more buyers for a certain period of time at a different price or with a different number of items. This function can be found in the catalogue prices screen and works its way to the weekly lists of FloraXchange, your shop on Floriday and the Floriday API.

This page explains the following section:

Promos and exceptions

How does it work?

Go to the menu on the left and click Supply > Direct Sales > Catalogue Prices.

Make sure that you have created all the supply for the week lists in the catalogue prices screen (so make sure that price groups have been created and that numbers and prices have been entered for all trade items).

Go to the upcoming week (not the current week), and click the checkbox to the left of one or more trade item. Then click Create Promo or Exception or click the number shown here on the right-hand side of the screen (the number shown here indicates the number of exceptions set).

A pop-up appears.

  1. First set the week for which the exception is active. Check the box Set promo for longer period if you wish to make the promo active for more than one week.

  2. Indicate whether you want to show this exception to the buyer as a promo (if you do not check this box, the buyer will not see that you have made an exception).

  3. Add customers for whom the exception/promo is meant for. Check Specific exception per customer to add a different amount, price or sales unit per customer.

  4. Check these boxes if you want the prices to include delivery and / or stickering costs. If checked, the delivery costs in your Delivery conditions will not be charged.

  5. Enter the number of pieces, the price and the Sales unit. By pressing the button Copy number of pieces, the current number of pieces from your Catalog prices will be imported.

When you're ready, click Save.

You have now created an exception/promo.

In the catalogue prices screen you will now see a 1 appear behind the item line (on the right-hand side). This means that you have 1 exception running. If you create more exceptions, this number will increase. You can also click this box to view your promos, change them if necessary, or create a new exception.

In addition, you can set a minimum purchase unit after you open the window (package, layer, load carrier or full supply line).

An exception or promo may only be changed for the coming week. At the time the weekly listings close, the price can be changed once every 24 hours.

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