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Getting started with Floriday Messenger
Getting started with Floriday Messenger

Floriday Messenger allows you to start a chat with a buyers from different topics from Floriday.

Sofie de Zeeuw avatar
Written by Sofie de Zeeuw
Updated over 7 months ago

With Floriday Messenger, a chat can be started with a buyer about various topics from Floriday. This way, both parties immediately know what topic in Floriday it's about.

In this article, we will explain the following sections:

How does it work?

On the left-hand side of the Floriday screens, you'll find the Floriday Messenger logo. When you click on this, Floriday Messenger opens up. Floriday Messenger can also be reached via

If this is the first time you're opening Floriday Messenger, you'll first go through a few steps to set up Floriday Messenger properly. If you are first to do this from your business, then you will also activate Floriday Messenger directly for the business. This is when buyers can send you messages.

Floriday Messenger

  • You: this is where all chats that you start with a buyer or chats that a buyer specifically starts with you gather. Chats that are assigned to you from organization will also appear here.

  • Company: all chats generally addressed to the organization will come in here. From organization, chats can be assigned to individuals or user groups within the organization.

  • Coworkers: at coworkers you will find all chats your coworkers are having. In this way, arrangements made can easily be found.

Starting a chat

As a grower, a chat can be started from sales orders, corrections, contracts and from an supply request.

Sales orders, Corrections, Contracts: in these sections, click on the three dots to the right of the line. Here is the option Start chat. When you click this, the Messenger screen opens.

Supply request: when you open a supply request via Network > Requests > Supply request, the Start chat button is displayed to the right. When you click this, the Messenger screen opens.

Please note!

We are now in the first stage of Floriday Messenger. If a buyer has not yet activated Floriday Messenger, you will not see the Start chat option with these buyers or it will be greyed out.

Receiving a chat

Buyers can start a chat from their purchase orders, corrections, contracts, from a grower's Store, customer offers overview and from an article in the Explorer at Explore.

Assigning a chat

When a chat arrives at Organization, it can be assigned to the right coworker or user group (how to make an user group is described at User groups). To do this, you need to click Assign chat. The list of user groups and coworkers who have made their profile public will then appear. You click to who you'd want so assign the chat to and select Confirm.

Closing a chat

When the conversation is finished, a chat can also be closed by clicking Close chat. These chats are collected in the left bar at Closed chats. When you click this, the closed chats will appear. Is a chat closed, but you would like to reopen it. Click on the chat and choose Reopen chat.


My Messenger

You have the option to set a introduction message. This message is displayed when a new conversation is started on a topic.

User groups

In User groups, you can create a group with coworkers. When a chat arrives at organization, or a chat is started with you, you can assign it to this group of coworkers.


Here you can turn on or off various e-mail or push notifications regarding the chats that come in. When you enable push notifications, make sure you also give the browser permission to do so.

We are currently still developing push notifications for Apple devices.

Add Floriday Messenger to home screen on phone


You can also add Floriday Messenger as a button on your home screen. You do this by going to on your phone via Safari. Then click the 'share' button at the bottom of the bar.

The following screen will appear. Then click Add to home screen. You can give it a title and press Add. Floriday Messenger has now been added to your home screen.

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