Merging on batch reference
The inventory list is now automatically merged by batch reference, this can be turned off under the dropdown of the button.
Clearing off season weekly prices
A new help tool has been added to clear weekly prices for off season items. In Supply > Direct sales > Catalog prices, you can now see 'Off season' button for items that are according to the expected availability. When you click this, a screen with the entered forward prices opens. Using the green checkboxes, you can also easily turn them off for those weeks, if necessary. This way, the number of supply lines can be reduced.
Delivery period in offers at line level
It is now possible to set the order and delivery period at line level. You do this at Supply > Direct sales > Offer and create an offer. You can then choose 'Period per line' under Order and 'Deviating delivery period' under Delivery. This way, you can create a separate offer for each product, but it will be processed in one offer.
Bundled offers sold
You can now also see how many bundles have been sold for the bundled offers.
Holiday exceptions in delivery terms
When setting public holiday exceptions in the delivery conditions, some examples have been added to clarify what happens at the next public holiday with the set values
Filters in the correction requests overview
In the correction requests overview, you can now also filter on 'Initiated by' so you can quickly see which requests have been submitted by the grower or buyer.
Customer specific settings in the trade settings
To avoid confusion, we have renamed the 'Exceptions' within the trade settings to 'customer specific settings'.