Introducing buyers via the timeline
Buyers can now introduce themselves once via the timeline, this will be shown to all growers.
Enter additional prices for Direct Bidding
You can now enter two additional prices for Direct Bidding offers. Namely the 'Bid from' price, so buyers can no longer make excessively low bids. And the 'Automatically Accept' price, which is an invisible price where the bid is still accepted. For example, you can have an asking price of β¬0.50 and allow bids starting at β¬0.30, but you can also say that anything above β¬0.45 will still be accepted automatically. These two new fields are optional.
Do this at Offer > Direct Bidding and then click the setting icon.
Automatically approved correction requests
Correction requests on sales orders that have been automatically approved are now also marked "Automatically Approved" in the overview. This is to avoid confusion about who approved a correction if it was just automatically approved.
Do you want corrections to be automatically approved? Then go to Network > Network > Trade settings. Here, choose the option 'Automatically accept corrections to orders on supply'.