Ready for order processing in Floriday or through an API connected package
In the system settings, a checkbox has now been added that allows you to indicate whether you are ready for order processing through Floriday or through an API connected package. For some buyers, this is necessary for purchasing, so are now able to easily filter on this.
Determine order of photos in 'Manage photos'
It is now easy to determine the order of your photos attached to an item by dragging the photos within 'Manage photos'. Please note: the default photo is always displayed first.
Lots that are older than 7 days and contain a deleted item are now also set to sold out with the older-than-7-day clean-up function.
Loading offers
As of recently, when adding items to an offer, you can also select 'All loadings'. This option can now be selected even if the items have already been added.
Loads visible at preset clokc pre-sale prices
For pre-set clock pre-sale prices, loading of the items in the left-hand list is now also shown. For selected items in the right-hand list, all features of those items will now be displayed. This way, you can still see the difference in, for example, loading or certificate despite the items visually appearing the same. This makes it easier to select the correct clock item.
Search for sales order by form number
Searching a sales order based on a form number now also works when a cart has multiple form numbers.
Offer statistics
The offer statistics in My Store are now sorted in descending order by turnover. This will allow you to quickly find out which offer performed best.