Once an order is placed, it is added to the sales orders in Floriday. You can then process the order in Floriday or in your own software package. However, sometimes an order will need to be cancelled. You can do so in Floriday by submitting a cancellation request. You can immediately give a reason for cancelling the order.
βTake note: Correction and cancellation requests can be submitted up to 90 days after the delivery date.
On this page we explain how to cancel a sales order request.
Submitting a cancellation request through Floriday
On the left in the Floriday menu, go to Sales > Sales orders. Find the sales order you want to cancel. Click on the 3 dots on the right side of the screen of the correct sales order. Select the following option at the 3 dots: Cancel sales order request.
A screen will now appear in which you can indicate the reason for the cancellation request (optional). Click 'Save'.
Once you submit the cancellation, it is placed in the corrections overview. This overview can be found under Sales > Sales orders > Corrections.
Once the cancellation has been accepted and processed, you will no longer see this order in the sales orders overview.