Processing orders
Lisa Janssen avatar
Written by Lisa Janssen
Updated over a week ago

Processing orders

Buyers can place orders from your supply through Floriday. These orders will show up under the header ‘Sales orders’. You can process the orders through Floriday or using your own software.

Order processing through Floriday

Whenever you receive an order through Floriday, it will be displayed with the sales orders, so make sure you watch out for new sales orders. You can also set up notifications for new sales orders under Settings > Notifications.

To process the order - on the left in the Floriday menu - go to: Fulfillment > Fulfillment orders.

Click on the order you want to process to open it.

Now you will see the window displayed above. Check if everything is correct, also pay attention to the cart lay out, for instance. If everything is in order, you can click on ‘Save and Complete’ in the top right corner. A letter will now be made. You can print the letter right away or at a later time.

Order processing through your own software

Whenever you receive an order through Floriday, it will be displayed with the sales orders. Floriday can directly transfer the order to your own software. If you would like to receive order notifications from Floriday, complete the following steps:

1. Go to the top right corner in Floriday and click on ‘Settings’. Go to the ‘System’ tab.

2. Flip the switch for Florecom notifications in this window.

3. Fill in your email address.

4. Don’t forget to save.

With every new order that comes in, an automatic order notification will be sent from Floriday to your own software. You can then process the orders using your own software.

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